My Account Details (An Overview)

Whereas your Giving Panel is where you can view and manage the details of your giving, your Account Panel is where you can manage aspects of your account such as your profile details, login credentials, email addresses, and payment methods. Let's explore each one briefly!

My Account

To access your Account Panel, simply click My Account in the main menu. Here, you'll be taken directly to the first tab where you can see and edit your profile information.

My Profile

The Profile Tab is where you can view and edit your profile information. This information is important to add and keep updated so you can access your annual giving statement whenever your church makes that available for you.

For a more detailed guide on the Profile Tab, click here.

Account Access

The Account Access Tab lets you change your password as well as which email address you use to login with. The Account Access Tab works in tandem with the Email Addresses Tab.

For a more detailed guide on the Account Access Tab, click here.

Email Addresses

The Email Addresses Tab shows you all the email addresses associated with your account. Because most people have more than one email address, it can be useful adding those email addresses. In case you use one of those addresses in your church's GivingFlow, your gift will still be associated with your account.

For a more detailed guide on the Email Addresses Tab, click here.

Payment Methods

The Payment Methods Tab showcases a list of every payment method (or giving method, if you prefer) we have on file for you, including both credit cards and bank accounts. Don't worry, these are securely stored when you use RebelGive to donate, and you can remove them here if you no longer want them to be available.

For a more detailed guide on the Payment Methods Tab, click here.

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